When to switch to adult food

Your kitten will be ready to start trying adult food at around 12 months.

How to switch your kitten's food

Change your kitten’s food gradually over the course of a week. Every few days, add a little more of the new food, and take out a little of the old, until the change is complete.

Kitten food temperature

Just like her big cat cousins, your kitten is a born predator. Her natural instinct is to eat only things that have just been killed. That’s why she prefers her food at room temperature and not straight from the fridge.

Balanced adult food

Now she’s grown, your cat needs an adult diet that’s both complex and well-balanced. So it’s important to feed her a specially prepared cat food packed full of all the right proteins and nutrients, like WHISKAS® PERFECT PORTIONS Cuts in Gravy Chicken Entrée.

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